DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
850Personal CO Line Group
Digital Loss Group
This field determines which administered 2-party row in the loss plan applies to
this trunk group if the call is carried over a digital signaling port in the trunk
Security Code
Trunk Direction
Trunk Port
Trunk Name
Valid entries Usage
to 17 Shows the values from the loss plan and tone plan.
Valid entries Usage
4 digits Enter a 4-digit code that users must dial to retrieve voice
messages and to use the Demand Print Message feature.
blank Leave this field blank if you do not want to use a security code
to control access.
Valid entries Usage
Enter the direction of the traffic on this trunk group. The entry
in this field affects which timers appear on the Administrable
Timers page. For WATS Group Types, only
incoming or
outgoing may be entered.
Valid entries Usage
port address Enter the full address of the port for this trunk group.
Valid entries Usage
1 to 10
Enter a descriptive name for this trunk. Don’t use the group
type (CO, FX, WATS) here. For example, you might use
names that identify the vendor and function of the trunk group:
USWest Local; Sprint Toll, etc.