DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
473Administered Connection
■ 7401D phone with 7400B or 8400B data module
■ 7403D/7405D/7407D/7410D/7434D phone with DTDM or 7400B or
8400B data module
■ 7404D or 7406D phone
■ 510D personal terminal
■ 515 BCT, 615 BCT, or 715 BCT terminal
■ PC/switch connection
ISDN-BRI Line circuit pack connections, including:
■ 7500 data module
■ 7505D/7506D/7507D phone with ADM
Used to route the AC to a desired endpoint. Enter the address of the destination
access or data endpoint. This endpoint is the terminating party of the AC and need
not be local to the switch on which the AC is assigned. The entry must be
consistent with the local switch’s dial plan (that is, the first digits are assigned as
an extension, feature access code, or trunk access code, or DDD Number). If a
local extension is entered, it must be assigned to either an access or data endpoint.
Abbreviated Dialing entries may be used in this field.
Valid entries Usage
Assigned access endpoint/data
module extension
The endpoint must be local to the switch on
which the AC is administered. Nonsignaling
DS1 trunk or analog tie trunk.
Valid entries Usage
Digits 0 to 9 Up to 36 characters
* (star)
# (pound)
Wait for dial tone
Start suppressing display of the digits being outpulsed
Wait indefinitely for dial tone. Only use this if network
response time is more than 30 seconds