DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
658Feature-Related System Parameters
Abort Conference Upon Hang-Up
Allows DCP, hybrid, wireless, or ISDN-BRI phone users to abort the conference
operation when they hang up.
Abort Transfer
Stops the transfer operation whenever a user presses a non-idle call appearance
button in the middle of the transfer operation, or when they hang up. If both the
Abort Transfer and Transfer Upon Hang-Up fields are
y and you press the
TRANSFER button and then dial the complete transfer-to number, hanging up the
phone transfers the call. You must select another non-idle call appearance to abort
the transfer. If the Transfer Upon Hang-Up field is
y, hanging up completes the
transfer. Requires DCP, Hybrid, ISDN-BRI or wireless phones.
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to change a call placed on soft-hold in the
conference-pending status to hard-held status if the user hangs
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to abort the transfer a call by pressing the TRANSFER
button, dialing the desired extension, and then hanging up or
selecting another non-idle call appearance. The user must press
TRANSFER button again to complete the process unless
Transfer Upon Hang-up is also set to