DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1194Busy Verification
■ Loudspeaker Paging Access
The system denies busy verification if the telephone or trunk to be verified
is connected to paging equipment.
■ Transfer
Once the originator of busy verification has bridged onto a call, any attempt
to transfer the call is denied until the originator drops from the call.
■ telephone Origination Restriction
A telephone that is origination restricted can be assigned a Busy Verify
button. However, the button cannot be used.
■ telephone Termination Restriction
The system denies busy verification of telephones that are termination
Related topics
■ Attendant Console screen
Feature Button Assignments
— verify
— Display Language
■ Station screen (multiappearance phones)
Button/Feature Button Assignments
— verify
— Display Language