DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
731IP Trunk Configuration Manager
The Internet dialog box contains the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Lucent Gateway
■ Signaling Port: Displays the initial port number (5000) used for
call setup. Display only.
■ Setup Time-out (ms): Allows you to set the number of
milliseconds to wait before canceling a call attempt while trying
to set up the Internet connection.
If the call setup exceeds this threshold, the calling party will hear
a fast busy signal. The call setup time probes network traffic
conditions at the given instant. Exceeding the set threshold
indicates that the network is congested and that good voice
quality may not be possible on the Internet. Setting this
parameter to a large value effectively lets all calls go through
regardless of Internet traffic conditions. Setting this parameter
too low unnecessarily restricts otherwise good calls. Generally,
you should accept the default value of 8000.
Valid values:
50 to 30000.
■ Keep Alive (sec): Allows you to set the number of seconds to
wait before clearing a call if the remote switch does not respond.
Valid values:
3 to 180. It is recommend that you use the default
value (30 seconds).
H.323 Protocol
■ Signaling Port: Displays the initial port number (1720) used for
H.323 call setup. Display-only.
■ Setup Time-out (ms): Specifies the number of milliseconds to
wait before canceling a call attempt while trying to set up the
H.323 connection. Display-only.
■ Keep Alive (sec): Allows you to set the number of seconds to
wait before clearing an H.323 call if no voice traffic is detected.
Valid values:
10 to 86400.
Enable GateKeeper Uses the gatekeeper subsystem of the DEFINITY ECS application to
assist in H.323 dialing, rather than dialing directly. Display -only.
Port Displays the initial port number (1719) that gatekeeper uses for
H.323 call setup. Display-only.
Setup Time-out
Specifies the number of milliseconds to wait before canceling a call
attempt while trying to set up the H.323 connection using gatekeeper.
IP Address Specifies the IP address of gatekeeper. Display-only.
Continued on next page