DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
830Multifrequency-Signaling-Related System Parameters
Note: For India, the ANI can be requested without the call category information.
Use COR for Calling Party Category
Indicates the category to send with ANI if requested on an outgoing R2-MFC call.
Outgoing Shuttle Exchange Cycle Timer (sec)
This field applies only to calls made from DEFINITY ECS.
Field descriptions for page 2
The fields on Page 2 define call category and ANI information. For India, the ANI
can be requested without the call category information.
Valid entries Usage
The type of phone making the call determines the type of group
II signal that the PBX sends (normal = ordinary phone set,
attendant = attendant console, data-call = data modules and
similar data endpoints).
The dialed digits determine the type of group II signal that the
PBX sends.
Valid entries Usage
Use the calling facility’s COR to determine category.
n Use the calling party’s user-type COR to determine category.
Valid entries Usage
to 25 Enter the number of seconds to time an exchange cycle (starts
when the far end requests a digit until DEFINITY ECS sends the
requested digit).