DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference
833Multifrequency-Signaling-Related System Parameters
Address Digits Include End-of-Digits Signal
Indicates that an outgoing forward Group I end-of-digit signal is always sent after
completion of address digits upon request from the Central Office for outgoing
Call Category for Vector ii-digits
Allows you to use the call category digit as the ii-digits on call vector steps.
Request CPN at Start of Call
This field appears only if the Incoming Call Type field is
group-ii-mfc. Provides
for the switch to collect ANI and call category immediately after receipt of the
first address digit.
Do Not Send Group B Signals to CO
This field appears only if the Incoming Call Type field is
group-ii-mfc. This field
allows completion of a call without Group-B signals.
ANI Available
Valid entries Usage
Enter y to send an outgoing forward Group I end-of-digit signal
after completion of address digits upon request from the Central
Office for outgoing calls.
Valid entries Usage
If y, the call category digit, which is a part of ANI, is used as the
ii-digits on call vector steps.
Valid entries Usage
If y, provides ANI (Calling Party Number (CPN) and call
category) immediately after receiving the first address digit.
Valid entries Usage
If y, does not send Group-B signals to complete an incoming
If n, sends Group-B signals to complete an incoming call.
Valid entries Usage
to 15 Enter the number of incoming and outgoing ANI-Available