DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Routing outgoing calls
191Defining ARS Partitions
Defining ARS Partitions
Most companies want all their users to be able to make the same calls and follow
the same route patterns. However, you may find it helpful to provide special
calling permissions or restrictions to a group of users or to particular phones.
ARS partitioning allows you to provide different call routing for a group of users
or for specific phones.
If you used partitioning on a prior release of DEFINITY ECS and you want
to continue to use partitioning, please read this section carefully. In this
release of DEFINITY ECS, partition groups are defined on the Partition
Route Table. If you want to define routing based on partition groups, use the
Partition Route Table. Partition groups are no longer defined on the Digit
Analysis Table.
Before you start
Verify that Partitioning on the System Parameters Customer Options screen is y.
Verify that Time of Day Routing on the System Parameters Customer Options
screen is n.
Setting up partition groups
Let’s say you allow your employees to make local, long distance, and emergency
calls. However, you have a lobby phone for visitors and you want to allow users to
make only local, toll-free, and emergency calls from this phone.
To restrict the lobby phone, you modify the routing for a partition group to enable
only specific calls, such as U.S. based toll-free 1-800 calls, and then assign this
partition group to the lobby phone.
To enable 1-800 calls for partition group 2:
1. Type
list ars route-chosen 18002221000 and press RETURN.
You can use any 7-digit number following the 1800 to create an example of
the dialed string.
The ARS Route Chosen Report for partition group 1 appears.