DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1324Emergency Access to the Attendant
■ Time of the call
■ The following known call results:
— Call Completed — Call answered at attendant or listed directory
number (LDN) night extension.
— Queue Full — Emergency-access queue is full; tries to redirect the
call to an emergency-access redirection extension.
— No Attd — No active attendants are available to receive the call;
tries to redirect the call to an emergency-access redirection
— Redirected Answered — Call is answered by the emergency-access
redirection extension.
— No Redirection Ext. — Could not redirect the call to the
emergency-access redirection extension because none are
— Attd Night Service — System is in night service. Will try to redirect
the call to attendant night service.
— Failed — Caller drops the call before it can be answered. Call was
either waiting in the attendant emergency queue, ringing at an
attendant console, or ringing at the LDN night extension.
— Redirected Abandoned — Caller drops the call before it can be
answered. Call had been redirected to the emergency-access
redirection extension.
You can generate an Emergency Access Summary Report of the emergency audit
records. Schedule the report for printing once a day at a designated printer. If the
switch has a journal printer Emergency Access to the Attendant audit records print
as the calls occur.
You can monitor emergency-access calls by displaying them at the administration
terminal. The command for listing emergency call events is
list emergency. You
can use a from and to time option with the command. For example, if you enter
the command
list emergency 8:00am 12:00pm, the report shows emergency call
events that occurred during that interval.
■ The emergency tone cannot be silenced except by answering the emergency
■ The system should have at least one day and one night attendant (or night
service station) for this feature to be useful at all times.