User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 33 Configuring Policy Objects for Remote Access VPNs
ASA Group Policies Dialog Box
Supported Mobile Devices
• iPad—Citrix Receiver version 4.x or later
• iPhone/iTouch—Citrix Receiver version 4.x or later
• Android 2.x/3.x/4.0/4.1 phone—Citrix Receiver version 2.x or later
• Android 4.0 phone—Citrix Receiver version 2.x or later
Navigation Path
From ASA Group Policies SSL VPN Clientless Settings, page 33-10, click the Add Row button beneath
the VDI Servers List table, or select a rule and click the Edit Row button.
Field Reference
ASA Group Policies SSL VPN Full Client Settings
Use the Full Client settings to configure the full client mode of access to the corporate network in a
remote access SSL VPN for the ASA group policy object.
Full client mode enables access to the corporate network completely over an SSL VPN tunnel. In full
client access mode, the tunnel connection is determined by the group policy configuration. The full client
software, SSL VPN Client (SVC) or AnyConnect, is downloaded to the remote client, so that a tunnel
connection is established when the remote user logs in to the SSL VPN gateway.
Tip To enable full client access, you must configure the Remote Access VPN > SSL VPN > Other Settings
policy on the device to identify AnyConnect image packages to install on the device. The images must
be on the device so that users can download them. For more information, see Understanding SSL VPN
AnyConnect Client Settings, page 30-52 and Add and Edit File Object Dialog Boxes, page 33-25.
Navigation Path
Select SSL VPN > Full Client from the table of contents in the ASA Group Policies Dialog Box,
page 33-1.
Table 33-8 Add or Edit VDI Server Dialog Box
Element Description
Hostname/IP Address Address of the XenApp or XenDesktop server. This value can be a
clientless macro.
Port Number (Optional) Port number for connecting to the Citrix server. This value can be a
clientless macro.
Domain Domain for logging into the virtualization infrastructure server. This
value can be a clientless macro.
Secure HTTP Check the checkbox if you want the server to connect using SSL.
Username Username for logging into the virtualization infrastructure server. This
value can be a clientless macro.
Password Password for logging into the virtualization infrastructure server. This
value can be a clientless macro.