User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 65 Managing Cisco Catalyst Switches and Cisco 7600 Series Routers
Viewing a Summary of Catalyst Interfaces, VLANs, and VLAN Groups
• Interfaces/VLANs Page—VLAN Groups Tab, page 65-33
• Interfaces/VLANs Page—Interfaces Tab, page 65-7
• Viewing Catalyst Summary Information, page 65-2
• Filtering Tables, page 1-45
Field Reference
Table 65-2 Interfaces/VLANs Page—Summary Tab
Element Description
VLAN ID The VLAN ID associated with an interface or subinterface. The VLAN
ID specifies where 802.1Q tagged packets are sent and received on the
specified an interface or subinterface; without a VLAN ID, the
interface or subinterface cannot send or receive traffic.
Note All VLAN IDs must be unique among all subinterfaces
configured on the same physical interface.
VLAN Name Name of the VLAN that corresponds to an interface or subinterface. For
example, VLAN003 or Trunk1.
VLAN Group Numeric identity of a VLAN group that is configured on the VLAN that
a table row describes.
VLAN Type Specifies whether a VLAN has access to Layer 2 or Layer 3.
IP Address/Mask The IP address and corresponding subnet mask of the VLAN
configured on an interface or subinterface.
Access Port Displays the assigned name, if a name is assigned, of the access port
that a VLAN uses.
Trunk Port Specifies which VLANs are permitted to carry traffic over the trunk.
Slot (-Port) Associates the chassis slot number (in which the relevant services
module is installed) with the port number, as a hyphenated pair in the
format x -y, for example 3-1.
Blade Type Identifies the kind of services module on which a particular VLAN is
configured, such as FWSM or VPNSM.
Security Context Identifies the security context associated with an interface, but only if
Multiple Mode is active on the installed module and an Admin context
is configured for the module.
Security Context Interface Displays the physical interface and subinterface IDs for which a
security context inspects traffic. The displayed ID can represent a
physical interface, a single sub-interface (defined as a range of one), or
a range of sub-interfaces.
Security Level Displays the security level of an interface, where values range from 0
(the lowest security) to 100 (the highest):
• For an outside interface, the default is 0.
• For an inside interface, the default is 100.
• For an interface in the DMZ, the default is typically from 1 to 99.