User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 57 Configuring Security Contexts on Firewall Devices
Managing Security Contexts
Field Reference
Table 57-3 Allocate Interfaces Dialog Box
Element Description
Physical Interface Choose a physical interface to assign to this context.
In transparent firewall mode, you can assign only an interface that has
not been allocated to another context. If you choose an interface already
assigned to another context, you must also specify an subinterface.
Sub Interface ID From/To Use these drop-down lists to specify a subinterface, or a range of
subinterfaces; both lists present the subinterface IDs associated with
the chosen Physical Interface.
To specify a single subinterface, choose the desired ID from the first
list. To specify a range, if available, choose the ending ID from the
second list. (In transparent firewall mode, only subinterfaces that have
not been allocated to other contexts are shown.)
View Allocation button Click this button to open the View Interface Allocation dialog box,
which presents a read-only list of all physical interfaces defined on this
device and the security contexts and failover groups associated with
each. You can use this to quickly determine current allocations without
closing the Allocate Interfaces dialog box.
Use aliased name in context To enable name aliasing for this interface/subinterface, check Use
aliased names in the security context and then enter an alias in the
Alias Name field.
The specified alias replaces the name of this physical interface or
subinterface anywhere it would be displayed for this context—for
example, the Hardware Port column on the Interfaces Page.
Alias Name Enter the desired alias. An alias must start with a letter, end with a letter
or digit, and have as interior characters only letters, digits, and
Suffix Range From/To If you specified a range of subinterfaces, these fields are available to let
you specify numeric suffixes for their aliased name. The aliased name
for each subinterface consists of its sequence number from this range
appended to the Alias Name you provided in the previous field.
These values default to the beginning and ending subinterface ID
numbers, but you can enter any valid range of numbers.
Show hardware properties in
Select this option to allow the show interface CLI command to display
of physical interface properties for the context even if you defined an
alias. If not selected, the show interface output includes the aliased