User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 8 Managing Deployment
Working with Deployment and the Configuration Archive
Deploying Configurations in Workflow Mode
The task of deploying configurations in Workflow mode is a multiple step process. You must create a
deployment job, get it approved, and then deploy the job. This process ensures that organizations that
separate task authorizations among personnel can implement their control processes.
When you deploy configurations, you can transfer them to devices either directly or to another transport
server (such as AUS, CNS, or TMS) in the network or create them as configuration files in a directory
on the Security Manager server. See Understanding Deployment Methods, page 8-8 for more
Tip Before creating the deployment job, read Tips for Successful Deployment Jobs, page 8-28. That topic
includes tips and cautions you should keep in mind when creating deployment jobs.
Before You Begin
• Make sure that devices have been bootstrapped. For more information, see Chapter 2, “Preparing
Devices for Management”.
• If you are deploying to a transport server, such as AUS, CNS, or TMS, make sure the server, Security
Manager settings, and device have been set up properly.
Related Topics
• Overview of the Deployment Process, page 8-1
• Including Devices in Deployment Jobs or Schedules, page 8-8
• Understanding Deployment Methods, page 8-8
• Deploying Configurations Using an Auto Update Server or CNS Configuration Engine, page 8-42
• Deploying Configurations to a Token Management Server, page 8-43
• Managing Device Communication Settings and Certificates, page 9-4
• Understanding How Out-of-Band Changes are Handled, page 8-12
Generate Report button Click this button to create a deployment status report for this job. The
report is a PDF file, saved to your client system, that includes a
summary of the job plus the full and delta configurations and the job
transcript. You can use this report for your own purposes or to aid in
troubleshooting a problem with Cisco TAC. For more information, see
Generating Deployment or Discovery Status Reports, page 10-28.
Refresh button Click this button to update the status information.
Abort button Click this button to abort the deployment job. You can abort
deployment jobs only while they are in the Deploying, Scheduled, or
Rolling Back state. Aborting a job stops deployment of configuration
files to pending devices, but has no effect on devices to which
deployments are in progress (commands are being written to a device)
or to which deployment has already completed successfully.
Table 8-11 Deployment Status Details Dialog Box (Continued)
Element Description