User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
deployment to 8-9
detecting out-of-band changes 8-46
discovering or changing CS-MARS controller 69-25
discovering policies 5-12
discovering policies on existing devices 5-15
dynamic IP addresses 3-35
image version changes with no policy effects 3-50
including in deployment jobs or schedules 8-8
including unmanaged or non-Cisco in a VPN 24-11
inheriting policy rules 5-43
adding existing managed
adding new managed 34-16
displaying devices from Device View 34-16
displaying managed 34-16
removing managed 34-16
showing containment for Catalyst switches, ASA,
PIX, IPS devices
modifying policy assignment 5-46
modifying shared policies 5-45
naming conventions 3-3
overview of monitoring 1-6
policy status icons 5-28
preparing for management 2-1
property changes with policy effects 3-51
redeploying configuration files to 8-49
redeploying configurations to replaced
renaming policies 5-45
replacing policies 5-41
rolling back configurations 8-65, 8-66, 8-67
selecting in site-to-site VPNs 24-32
selecting multiple 1-42
sharing multiple policies 5-39
sharing with PRSM 69-11
showing contained modules 3-53
system variables 7-7
testing connectivity 9-1
troubleshooting communication 9-7
troubleshooting communication and deployment 9-1
troubleshooting device discovery failures 3-7
unassigning policies 5-33
understanding out-of-band changes 8-12
unsharing policies 5-40
using global search to find specific devices 1-39
what counts as a device 3-3
device selector
Device Selector dialog box 1-42
Device Server Assignment dialog box 9-8
device status view
working with
Device Status View command 1-30
Device view
adding local rules to shared policies
assigning shared policies 5-41
cloning shared policies 5-44
configuring local policies 5-29
configuring VPN topologies 24-19
copying policies between devices 5-31
inheriting policies 5-43
managing policies 5-28
modifying policy assignments 5-46
modifying shared policies 5-45
overview 1-13
policy banner 5-35
policy shortcut menu 5-37
policy status icons 5-28
renaming policies 5-45
sharing local policies 5-38
sharing multiple policies 5-39
unassigning policies 5-33
understanding basic policy management 5-29
understanding shared policies 5-34
unsharing policies 5-40
device view
Device View command 1-30