User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 68 Health and Performance Monitoring
Alerts and Notifications
Alerts Configuration: Firewall
The alerts and status information collected from monitored firewall devices are configured on the FW
panel of the Alerts Configuration dialog box. Refer to Alerts: Configuring, page 68-31 for information
about opening the dialog box, accessing the FW panel, expanding and collapsing sections, and providing
email addresses for FW-related Notifications.
The firewall-alert configuration parameters are grouped into sections that can be expanded and
collapsed. Each section includes a checkbox next to its heading; use this checkbox to enable or disable
that alert. When expanded, each section provides access to the settings used to define the alert.
Some section headings also include Consider for Device Health checkboxes. Checking one of these
boxes means that particular information is considered when determining overall health of each device.
The FW alert and status configuration parameters are described in the following table.
SensorApp Status Errors generated by the SensorApp application are tallied. Alerts and
Notifications are generated when the number of events reaches the
specified Occurrences value.
Bypass Mode Any time bypass mode is triggered, one Occurrence is tallied for this
setting. Alerts and Notifications are generated when the number of
Occurrences reaches the value specified.
Interface Status The status of each enabled interface is polled periodically. Each
“down” result for any given interface is tallied as one Occurrence for
that interface. Alerts and Notifications are generated when the number
of Occurrences reaches the value specified.
License Expiration A license-expiration threshold can be configured on each IPS sensor,
and whenever this threshold is crossed, a status message is issued.
Memory Usage A memory-usage threshold can be configured on each IPS sensor, and
whenever this threshold is exceeded, a status message is issued.
An Occurrence is tallied for each memory-usage message. Alerts and
Notifications are generated when the number of Occurrences reaches
the value specified here.
Missed Packets A missed-packets threshold can be configured on each IPS sensor, and
whenever this threshold is exceeded, a status message is issued.
An Occurrence is tallied for each missed-packets message. Alerts and
Notifications are generated when the number of Occurrences reaches
the value specified here.
Inspection Load A traffic inspection-load threshold can be configured on each IPS
sensor, and whenever this threshold is exceeded, a status message is
An Occurrence is tallied for each load-exceeded message. Alerts and
Notifications are generated when the number of Occurrences reaches
the value specified.
Table 68-4 IPS Alerts Configuration (Continued)
Setting Description