User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 59 Configuring Router Interfaces
Advanced Interface Settings Page
Tip To forward additional UDP services, use the CLI or FlexConfigs to configure the ip forward-protocol
command. Use the no form of this command to prevent the forwarding of any of the default services
listed in Table 59-5 on page 59-14.
All of the following conditions must be met in order for a UDP or IP packet to use helper addresses:
• The MAC address of the received frame must be an all-ones broadcast address (ffff.ffff.ffff).
• The IP destination address must be one of the following: all-ones broadcast (,
subnet broadcast for the receiving interface, or major-net broadcast for the receiving interface if the
no ip classless command is also configured.
• The IP time-to-live (TTL) value must be at least 2.
• The IP protocol must be UDP (17).
Related Topics
• Advanced Interface Settings on Cisco IOS Routers, page 59-13
• Basic Interface Settings on Cisco IOS Routers, page 59-1
Advanced Interface Settings Page
Use the Advanced Interface Settings page to configure advanced interface definitions (physical and
virtual) on a router. Examples of advanced settings include Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) settings,
ICMP message settings, and virtual fragment reassembly settings. You can configure settings for specific
interfaces or for interface roles. The columns in the table summarize the advanced settings for an entry
and are explained in Advanced Interface Settings Dialog Box, page 59-16.
To configure advanced settings:
• Click the Add button to add an interface or interface role to the table, and fill in the Advanced
Interface Settings dialog box.
• Select an entry and click the Edit button to edit an existing entry.
• Select an entry and click the Delete button to delete it.
For more information, see Advanced Interface Settings on Cisco IOS Routers, page 59-13.
Navigation Path
• (Device view) Select Interfaces > Settings > Advanced Settings from the Policy selector.
DNS 53
NetBIOS datagram service 138
NetBIOS name service 137
Time 37
Table 59-5 Default UDP Services Forwarded to Helper Addresses (Continued)
Service Port