User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 17 Managing Firewall Inspection Rules
Configuring Protocols and Maps for Inspection
• Select an HTTP class map when creating an HTTP policy map.
• Define the match criterion, value, and action directly in an HTTP policy map.
These types of maps are used only for devices running ASA 7.2 or higher, or PIX 7.2 or higher, operating
The fields on this dialog box change based on the criterion you select and whether you are creating a
class map or policy map. You can use the following criteria:
• Request/Response Content Type Mismatch—Specifies that the content type in the response must
match one of the MIME types in the accept field of the request.
• Request Arguments—Applies the regular expression match to the arguments of the request.
• Request Body—Applies the regular expression match to the body of the request.
• Request Body Length—Specifies that the body length of the request be matched as greater than or
less than the specified number of bytes.
• Request Header Count—Specifies that the number of headers in the request be matched as greater
than or less than the specified number.
• Request Header Length—Specifies that the header length of the request be matched as greater than
or less than the specified number of bytes.
• Request Header Field—Applies the regular expression match to the header of the request.
• Request Header Field Count—Applies the regular expression match to the header of the request
based on a specified number of header fields.
• Request Header Field Length—Applies the regular expression match to the header of the request
based on a specified field length.
• Request Header Content Type—Specifies the content type to evaluate in the content-type header
field of the request.
• Request Header Transfer Encoding—Specifies the transfer encoding to evaluate in the
transfer-encoding header field of the request.
• Request Header Non-ASCII—Specifies whether there are non-ASCII characters in the header of the
• Request Method—Specifies the method of the request to match.
• Request URI—Applies the regular expression match to the URI of the request.
• Request URI Length—Specifies that the URI length of the request be matched as greater than or less
than the specified number of bytes.
• Response Body ActiveX—Specifies whether there is ActiveX content in the body of the request.
• Response Body Java Applet—Specifies whether there is a Java applet in the body of the request.
• Response Body—Applies the regular expression match to the body of the response.
• Response Body Length—Specifies that the body length of the response be matched as greater than
or less than the specified number of bytes.
• Response Header Count—Specifies that the number of headers in the response be matched as greater
than or less than the specified number.
• Response Header Length—Specifies that the header length of the response be matched as greater
than or less than the specified number of bytes.
• Response Header Field—Applies the regular expression match to the header of the response.